Wiese Sees Söder as Stronger than Merz!

Wiese Sees Söder as Stronger than Merz!

Following a campaign appearance by CSU leader Markus Söder in the Sauerland electoral district of CDU chancellor candidate Friedrich Merz, Merz’s direct opponent Dirk Wiese of the SPD sees advantages for the SPD in Bavaria.

In an interview with the “Rheinische Post” (Monday edition), Wiese stated, “My Sauerlander assessment: Söder does not have the appeal of Franz-Josef Strauß, but is stronger to be considered than CDU chairperson Merz.” The SPD candidate for the Bundestag in the High Sauerland district added, “Volksfest is probably more Söder’s stage.” According to Wiese, Merz is, on the other hand, losing ground. “He is currently losing in the polls and also in sympathy ratings” said the parliamentary faction vice.

Söder and Merz appeared together at a “Weißwurstfrühstück” (white sausage breakfast) in the Briloner Schützenhalle, attended by 1,000 visitors. Looking back at the event’s name, Wiese quipped, “One thing is certain at the end of the appearance: We will remain in the Sauerland Team Bratwurst.