Who Will Fix the Mess?

Who Will Fix the Mess?

According to the latest poll by Forsa, CDU/CSU and SPD have each lost a percentage point in comparison to the previous poll. CDU now stands at 31% and SPD at 16%. AfD and the Greens are profiting with 20% and 13%, respectively. FDP (four percent), the Left (three percent), and BSW (four percent) would fail to enter the Bundestag.

The most interesting information is the approval for the respective chancellor candidates within their own parties (even though AfD did not ask about it): Robert Habeck has the strongest backing in his own party with 83%, Friedrich Merz brings it to 68%, and Olaf Scholz to 66%, exactly two-thirds.

NTV, which commissioned the poll in collaboration with RTL, drew attention to the extremely low competence ratings for all parties:

“The answers are always a general rejection of all parties. 53% think no party is capable. The values of the surveyed parties are poor. The Union parties stand alone at the top, but even there, there is still a lot of room for improvement. The current value for CDU and CSU in the competence question is 19%.”

Considering the discontent with the grand coalition, this is an extremely poor value. Even considering that the other parties are not trusted more to solve Germany’s problems. SPD and AfD trust eight percent of the parties, the Greens seven percent, and FDP two percent.

Since January 10, a total of four polls have been published: two by INSA on January 11 and 13, one by the Forschungsgruppe Wahlen on January 10, and the mentioned poll by Forsa. The most striking difference is the result for BSW, which clearly lies above the five percent threshold in the INSA polls, but below it in the polls by Forschungsgruppe Wahlen and Forsa.

However, none of these polls yet reflects the possible effects of the party conventions, which AfD, BSW, and SPD held over the weekend.