German Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) has reiterated his demand for the deportation of criminals to Syria. “Criminals belong to every country and we will make sure that they are returned”Scholz said in an interview with ARD’s “Bericht aus Berlin”on Sunday. He added that efforts would not be spared and that a time would come when criminals would be deported to Syria, “and I hope that is soon.”
Scholz had previously demanded the deportation of criminals to Syria, as an example in a government statement in June last year. However, it failed due to a lack of a suitable interlocutor in the target country and parts of the Greens.
Scholz made severe accusations in the ARD broadcast regarding the violent crime committed by an asylum seeker in Aschaffenburg, directed at the CSU-led government of Bavaria. “The Bavarian state government’s actions are embarrassing and not befitting the situation”Scholz said. “This perpetrator should not have been allowed to roam free in Bavaria, he should have been arrested.”This needs to be clarified.
Scholz also reiterated his harsh criticism of CDU leadership candidate Friedrich Merz. Many proposals in the migration debate would violate the Basic Law or European treaties. “I believe Helmut Kohl would not be satisfied with the CDU chairman”the Chancellor said, expressing doubts as to whether the Union would really not work with the AfD. “I publicly said I could rely on Friedrich Merz, but I can no longer say that.