Wählergunst Plummets!

Wählergunst Plummets!

The SPD also fails to gain momentum after its party convention and continues to lose public approval, according to the voter sentiment measured by Insa. If the federal election were held on Sunday, the social democrats would, according to the opinion trend created for the “Bild” by the institute, only reach 15 percent. This is half a point less than last week.

The Greens also lose half a point, dropping to 13 percent. CDU/CSU (31 percent), FDP (four percent), and BSW (6.5 percent) hold their values from last week. The AfD, on the other hand, can gain again, rising by half a point to 22 percent in voter sentiment.

“The CDU/CSU will hardly be beaten in the federal election” said Hermann Binkert, head of the Insa institute, in an interview with the newspaper. “The Union will likely lead the next federal government with a large margin. The question is whether it will need one or two partners.”

A total of 2,005 people were surveyed for the Insa opinion trend from January 10 to 13.