US stock markets declined on Thursday. At the end of trading in New York, the Dow was calculated at 42,392 points, a minus of 0.4% compared to the previous trading day.
Minutes earlier, the broader S&P 500 had around 5,865 points, a 0.2% decline, and the technology stock market Nasdaq calculated the Nasdaq 100 at around 20,980 points, a 0.2% decline.
The main topic on Thursday were the price losses at Apple and Tesla. While Apple is trying to outcompete the competition in China with aggressive discounts, a growing international competitive pressure is noticeable in Tesla’s delivery numbers. Although the electric car maker achieved a new quarterly record, the total number of deliveries decreased compared to the previous year.
The European common currency was weaker on Thursday evening: one euro cost 1.0264 US dollars, and one dollar was worth 0.9743 euros.
The gold price was able to profit significantly, with 2,660 US dollars being paid for one fine ounce (+1.4%) in the evening, which corresponds to a price of 83.32 euros per gram.
The oil price also rose significantly: a barrel of the North Sea’s Brent type cost around 22:00 German time on Thursday evening at 75.89 US dollars, a 1.7% increase from the end of the previous trading day.