Up to €3,500 a Year in Cuts!

Up to €3,500 a Year in Cuts!

CDU to partially relieve taxpayers, calculations show.

According to internal example calculations of the CDU, reported by the “Handelsblatt” (Friday edition), the effects of the tax reform outlined in the CDU’s “Agenda 2030” paper are being calculated.

For a family with two children, where one partner earns 4,000 euros and the other 8,000 euros a month, the relief would amount to 3,496 euros, according to the calculations. If the partners earn half as much, at 2,000 and 4,000 euros a month, the relief would be 1,042 euros a year. For a single parent with one child, earning 5,000 euros a month, the relief would be 1,122 euros, and for one earning 3,000 euros, it would be 348 euros.

A single person earning 8,000 euros a month would be relieved of 2,649 euros a year, and one earning 4,500 euros would be relieved of 1,086 euros, according to the CDU paper. For someone earning 2,000 euros a month, the relief would be 126 euros a year.

The CDU has also calculated its tax plans for self-employed individuals. According to the calculations, a self-employed person (single, no children) with a profit of 108,000 euros a year would pay 2,669 euros less in taxes after the implementation of all the relief proposals, and one with a profit of 150,000 euros would be relieved of 2,386 euros.

The calculation compares the tax burden with the current tax burden in 2025, assuming the implementation of the CDU’s plans will take four years to complete.

In 2023, the average monthly gross income for households with two adults and two children was 8,239 euros, for single parents with one child it was 3,774 euros, and for singles it was 2,922 euros. Net, at least 2,190 euros per person per month was available for half the population, and less for the other half.