Union Stands Firm on Fiscal Brake Despite Wehrmacht Debate

Union Stands Firm on Fiscal Brake Despite Wehrmacht Debate

Despite the looming drastic increase in defense spending, the Union will largely maintain its stance on the debt brake. “The long-term financing of the NATO quota will certainly pose challenges for Germany” said Union parliamentary business manager Thorsten Frei to the “Rheinische Post” (Wednesday’s edition).

The failed SPD-led government has not made any provisions for a comprehensive financing of the German military for the period after 2027. “Slashing the debt brake would be the entirely wrong approach. The debt brake is crucial for the state’s solvency and intergenerational fairness” said Frei. “It is flexible and does not hinder investments.”

Anyone who wants to take on new debts simply forgets that the state will ultimately have to reclaim the excess money. Debts are the taxes of tomorrow, warned Frei. Following the shift in the US administration’s security and Ukraine policies, the EU and NATO are debating a significant increase in European defense spending.