Finland’s President Alexander Stubb warned that a possible Ukrainian membership in the EU and NATO could be part of the negotiations over a ceasefire with Russia. These would be the two “non-negotiable” things, he said on Sunday at the Munich Security Conference. “That is a decision for the Ukrainians.” The EU process is already underway and Ukraine will become European, not Russian, he added. “That is already a significant loss for Putin” Stubb said. “The other is NATO membership, at some point.”
“In this war, the three fundamental questions for Ukraine are independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity” he added. During World War II, Finland preserved its independence: “We could decide in which organisations we wanted to be and then we lost ten percent of our territory, including the areas where my grandparents and my father were born.” It is essential to ensure that Ukraine does not end up in a similar situation at the end of this process, Stubb said.