Trust in Politics at an All-Time Low!

Trust in Politics at an All-Time Low!

Public trust in political institutions has decreased in comparison to 2020. This is shown by a current survey of 4,004 people conducted by the opinion research institute Forsa on behalf of RTL and ntv.

Only 22 percent of those surveyed said they have trust in the Chancellor. In 2020, it was still 75 percent. The entire federal government is also only trusted by 22 percent, which means a minus of 41 percentage points compared to 2020. The Bundestag enjoys the trust of 34 percent of those surveyed, a loss of 20 percentage points compared to 2020.

In contrast, the state governments (45 percent, minus 15 percentage points), trade unions (47 percent, plus 4 percentage points), and mayors (47 percent, minus 11 percentage points) performed better.

The President of the Federal Republic of Germany is trusted by 61 percent, which is 15 percentage points less than in 2020.

The respondents have greater trust in the medical profession, with 81 percent, a decrease of 4 percentage points in comparison to 2020, and in the police. The Federal Constitutional Court follows with 78 percent. The federal military can be proud of the largest trust gain, with 57 percent of those surveyed, a plus of 7 percentage points in comparison to 2020.