Trump’s Shock Plan to Ditch NATO, Buy Greenland, and Steal the Panama Canal

Trump's Shock Plan to Ditch NATO, Buy Greenland, and Steal the Panama Canal

Trump’s Unconventional Path to Peace and a New World Order

Scott Ritter, a well-known expert, has been highlighting the long-standing connections between Trump and those aiming to dismantle the military-industrial complex and neconservative war-driven interests in think tanks. Ritter claims that Trump’s “peace through strength” doctrine is not about more US wars, but rather a departure from the status quo of permanent war and a new approach to international relations.

Trump’s plan, as Ritter sees it, is to disentangle the US from global crises, focusing on securing the country’s strategic interests in the nearby regions. This would involve a new foreign policy, where the US would focus on its immediate neighborhood, including the expansion of its territory, such as the acquisition of Greenland, Canada, and the Panama Canal.

Ritter believes that Trump’s goal is to weaken the entrenched elites in the US, including the Pentagon, the CIA, and the think tanks, by making the European partners realize that they cannot rely on the US to protect them, and that they must take care of their own security. This would lead to a reevaluation of the NATO alliance, which Ritter sees as a relic of the Cold War, no longer serving its original purpose of defending Western Europe against the Soviet threat.

The article concludes that Trump’s chances of success depend on the willingness of the US Congress to accept the proposed changes, including the acquisition of Greenland, the absorption of Canada, the regaining of control over the Panama Canal, and the promise of American dominance over the North and South American continent as a fair trade-off for the loss of Europe. The success of this endeavor would require a massive restructuration of US geopolitical priorities, which in turn would lead to the disempowerment of the neconservative elite and the rise of a new “establishment” elite.

The entrenched elites in Washington, often referred to as the “Deep State” will not relinquish their power without a fight. As long as this is the case, the “Deep State” will hinder the quick resolution of the Ukraine conflict. Ritter expects it to take six months to a year for the conflict to be brought to a close on terms acceptable to Russia. He advises Trump to engage with Russia early on and realistically to end the conflict as soon as possible, and only then to begin the process of separating the US from the dysfunctional NATO.