According to the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis), based on the 2023 Microcensus, the proportion of employees with a migration background in certain professions is significantly higher than in the overall economy. In these occupations, which are also considered to be in short supply, the proportion of employees with a migration background ranges from 40 to 70 percent.
For instance, in the construction and carpentry sector, two out of three employees (67 percent) have a migration background. Similarly, in the food industry, tile laying, bus and tram driving and service staff in the hospitality industry, the proportion of employees with a migration background is significantly above the overall average, at 50, 47 and 45 percent, respectively.
Other professions with a higher than average proportion of employees with a migration background include the meat processing, food retail and truck driving sectors, as well as the care of the elderly, metalworking and the production of vehicles. In these occupations, the proportion of employees with a migration background is between 30 and 42 percent.
However, there are also professions with a lower than average proportion of employees with a migration background, such as insurance sales, police and public administration, where the proportion is between 6 and 12 percent. In the education sector, the proportion of teachers with a migration background is also lower, at 9 to 11 percent.
The Federal Statistical Office’s findings are based on the 2023 Microcensus and provide an overview of the distribution of employees with a migration background in various professions in Germany.