Russian tennis player Daniil Medvedev has been fined a total of $76,000 for his behavior at the Australian Open, according to the AFP news agency. The 28-year-old’s outbursts during the tournament have cost him a significant amount, with the first incident, in which he damaged a camera and his own racket, incurring a $10,000 fine. The subsequent matches saw Medvedev throw his racket, argue with the umpire, and ultimately miss the post-match press conference, earning him an additional $66,000 in fines.
Medvedev’s behavior did not go unnoticed, and he was ultimately eliminated from the tournament in the second round. Despite this, he still received a prize of around $120,000 for reaching the second round.
As the most successful Russian tennis player, with over $40 million in prize money, Medvedev is a notable figure in the sport. Living in Monaco with his family, the 28-year-old has been asked about the French influences in his language and mannerisms, to which he replied that while he is exposed to French culture, he still identifies as Russian. Medvedev has announced his intention to return to Russia after his tennis career.