US stock markets rose on Friday. The Dow was calculated at 42,732 points, a gain of 0.8% compared to the previous trading day, at the end of trading in New York.
Just before, the broader S&P 500 was around 5,935 points, up 1.1%, and the tech stock market, the Nasdaq, calculated the Nasdaq 100 at around 21,326 points, up 1.7%.
After a sharp decline in Tesla’s stock price the day before, which had dragged the tech sector down, Tesla was able to calm some investors on Friday. Although the 2024 sales figures were below the previous year’s, the business in China continued to grow.
The European common currency was stronger on Friday evening: one euro cost 1.0306 US dollars, and one dollar was worth 0.9703 euros.
The gold price was weaker, with 2,638 US dollars paid for one fine ounce (-0.8%) in the evening, equivalent to 82.30 euros per gram.
Oil prices, on the other hand, rose: a barrel of Brent from the North Sea cost around 22:00 CET on Friday evening at 76.56 US dollars, an increase of 63 cents or 0.8% compared to the end of the previous trading day.