SPD Storms to Victory as CDU and Greens Stumble!

SPD Storms to Victory as CDU and Greens Stumble!

According to 18:00 hour projections from ARD and ZDF, the SPD has emerged as the clear strongest force in the Hamburg citizens’ election.

On average, the Social Democrats are expected to have gained 34 percent, ahead of the CDU with 19.8 and the Greens with 18.8 percent. The Left party follows with 11.5 percent and the AfD with 7.8 percent. The FDP and BSW, meanwhile, are unlikely to clear the five percent hurdle, with the “Others” collectively accounting for 8.3 percent, including FDP, BSW and Volt with an average of three percent.

The data is based on post-election surveys conducted by Infratest (ARD) and Forschungsgruppe Wahlen (ZDF) on Sunday in the polling stations.