The SPD has sharply criticized the decision of the Saxon state parliament to elect an AfD member to the parliamentary oversight committee, with CDU support.
The deputy leader of the SPD parliamentary faction, Dirk Wiese, told the Handelsblatt that he is astonished that the CDU in Saxony is making common cause with the AfD. “The CDU’s ‘brand wall’ seems to have become a rolling gate that is opened and closed as needed” Wiese said. “CDU leader Friedrich Merz appears to have lost control of his party.”
In response, the CDU’s vice-leader in the Dresden state parliament, Sören Voigt, rejected the criticism. “We will continue to respect the voters’ will” he said. This is reflected in the composition of the state parliament and its committees. Voigt also stated, “As long as this party is not banned and can be elected, and has been elected by the population, this parliament is naturally a reflection of this election result.