Jens Spahn, Vice-Chair of the Union’s parliamentary group, rules out the possibility of Robert Habeck, Federal Minister of Economics (Greens), staying in office after the Bundestag election. “Robert Habeck is the face of the recession” Spahn told the “Rheinische Post” (Monday’s edition). “His subsidy-adjusted policy has significantly led us into this difficult situation. There will be no Federal Minister of Economics Robert Habeck with us.”
According to Spahn, the Union will present a comprehensive concept for a tax reform at its party convention in Hamburg at the end of the week as part of its “Agenda 2030”. “The Agenda 2030 will include a concrete tax concept. We want to ensure that performance is rewarded again.” He added that the country must also become attractive for investments again. “That is the prerequisite for remaining an industrial nation.”
Germany’s economic crisis is largely self-made. “That means: we can change some things. That’s what we’ll tackle with the Agenda 2030. Reduce bureaucracy and taxes, reduce energy costs, renew the reliability of politics” Spahn said.