In the face of significantly rising own contributions for care-reliant individuals in the home, the German Social Association (SoVD) is demanding a cap on the additional payment. “Care should not be a luxury” said the chairwoman of the association, Michaela Engelmeier, to the “Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland”.
Almost 3,000 euros of own contribution per month for a nursing home place are unbearable. “The government must act, the own contributions must be limited and the federal states must be held accountable to finally take over the investment costs of the homes, instead of continuing to shift these costs onto care-reliant individuals” Engelmeier urged.
In the long run, no path leads to a full insurance that covers all care-related costs, except for a solidarically financed care-citizen full insurance, which is fair and feasible. This is shown by current expert reports, according to the association’s head.