Shocking Trend of Students Staying at Home in Northern Germany!

Shocking Trend of Students Staying at Home in Northern Germany!

In North Germany, many students still live at home. This is revealed by a survey of the Lower Saxony State Office of Statistics on the census date of mid-May 2022, which is reported by the “New Osnabrück Times”.

According to the survey, in Lower Saxony, 37% of the 198,260 students lived with their parents, in Schleswig-Holstein, it was 37.4% of the 67,990 students. In Hamburg, the proportion was 30.5% of the 70,420 students, and in Bremen, around 30% of the 28,290 students still lived at home with their parents.

In all four federal states, more male students lived with their parents than female students. Schleswig-Holstein recorded 41.5% of male and 33.5% of female students living with their parents. In Lower Saxony, the figures were 40% of men and 34% of women, and in the city-states, around 34% of men and about 27% of women lived at home.

The proportion of students living at home decreases with increasing age. In Schleswig-Holstein, 60.8% of those under 21 years old lived with their parents, while 38.5% of those between 21 and 25 years old and only 19.6% of those over 25 years old did so. Similar trends are seen in Lower Saxony, Hamburg, and Bremen, where the proportion of those living at home is high for those under 21 years old and significantly lower for those over 25 years old.