Satisfaction Plummets, Reforms Urged

Satisfaction Plummets, Reforms Urged

A recent survey commissioned by the Techniker Krankenkasse (TK) has found that 30 percent of the German population is currently dissatisfied with the country’s healthcare system, a significant increase from the 10 percent reported in 2021.

The survey, presented in Berlin on Wednesday, also found that 38 percent of respondents are less satisfied or dissatisfied with the availability of specialist doctor’s practices, a rise from 27 percent in 2017. Long waiting times for specialist appointments, with 62 percent of respondents expressing dissatisfaction, may be a contributing factor.

The majority of those surveyed, 73 percent, support reforms in the healthcare system, while 21 percent believe there is a need for comprehensive reform. A significant majority, 94 percent, also expect healthcare contributions to continue rising.

The survey also showed that the public is not only open to reform, but also willing to adapt to new developments. For instance, 89 percent of respondents believe it would be a good idea for care workers or medical professionals to take on tasks currently performed by doctors and 72 percent support the planned hospital reform, which aims to specialize the hospital landscape.

Digitalization is seen as an opportunity, with 81 percent of respondents already booking doctor’s appointments online or willing to do so in the future. Additionally, 77 percent would like to digitize their medical records before a doctor’s appointment and 75 percent are interested in using electronic patient files.

Jens Baas, the TK’s chairman, views the survey results as a trend reversal. “In our surveys, satisfaction with the healthcare system had been steadily growing until 2021, now the trend is reversing” he said. “This is no surprise, as people have been complaining about long waiting times for doctor’s appointments and the financial burden of healthcare for years.” Many people feel that the system, for which they are paying more, is not functioning as well, Baas added.