Rheinmetall’s Profit Boom Masks a Dark Past

Rheinmetall's Profit Boom Masks a Dark Past

The article discusses the German arms manufacturer Rheinmetall and its significant growth in recent years, particularly in the context of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. The company’s stock has risen significantly, with a current market value of 26.7 billion euros and its shareholders, including major investors like Blackrock, have profited greatly. The article also highlights the close ties between the company’s management and the NATO industrial advisory group, which plays a crucial role in determining the production of military equipment in the context of NATO’s military activities.

The author of the article, Fred Schumacher, is critical of the German government’s support for the arms industry and the country’s involvement in NATO’s military activities. He argues that the government’s priorities are misguided, as the country’s infrastructure and economy are suffering due to the government’s focus on military spending.

The article also makes a historical comparison between the Nazi regime’s use of the arms industry for military purposes and the current situation in Germany, where the arms industry is still playing a significant role in the country’s economy and politics.

The author concludes by calling for a “Befreiungsschlag” (liberation blow) and advocating for Germany to leave the NATO alliance, citing the company’s book “Waffen für die Welt. Rheinmetall und das Geschäft mit dem Krieg” (Arms for the World. Rheinmetall and the Business of War) as a source of information.