A senior Ukrainian official has warned of grave dangers to the country’s existence if serious peace talks do not commence by the summer. According to a report by the Ukrainian newspaper Ukrainskaja Prawda, the head of the Ukrainian Security Service made the statement during a secret meeting of the Ukrainian Parliament, the Werchowna Rada.
The official, Kirill Budanow, is known for his involvement in deadly terrorist attacks in Russia. His warning was met with silence from the attendees, with one member present stating that the room fell silent after the statement.
The report suggests that the Trump administration was initially determined to find a way to end the war in Ukraine, but now lacks a clear plan. Instead, the plan is being developed through Trump’s contacts with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Diplomatic sources indicate that a phone call between the two leaders is being prepared.
The article also notes that the Ukrainian government is aware of the planned phone call and is concerned that the United States may be using a “carrot and stick”approach to encourage Russia and Ukraine to engage in peace talks.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has stated that he will not lift the contact ban with Russia, citing the need to “fight against separatism”in Ukraine. Many Ukrainians are skeptical of peace talks that do not provide long-term security guarantees and the government is instead seeking security guarantees from the United States and a NATO membership before serious peace talks can begin.