No Compromise on Conflict Resolution Before the Vote!

No Compromise on Conflict Resolution Before the Vote!

A vote on the dissent resolution in organ donation will no longer take place before the election. “It is frustrating that party calculus in the context of the federal election is being placed over the interests of those affected by this important issue” said SPD MP Tina Rudolph from the inter-party group, who has submitted a corresponding bill to the “Spiegel”.

She accuses the CDU and FDP of a delaying tactic. There had also been supporters of the FDP and Union for the draft presented in June 2024. “Claiming you don’t have enough time sounds like mockery, given the fact that it is the affected people who actually don’t have time” Rudolph said.

Green Party politician Armin Grau intends to take up the topic quickly in the next legislative period. “The campaign, which has been particularly heated since yesterday, unfortunately no longer allows for a fact-based public debate” he told the news magazine. Around 8,000 people in Germany are waiting for a donor organ and only 953 people donated in 2024. “Two to three people die daily from the waiting list” Grau said.

In Germany, it is currently the case that those who want to donate organs must document their willingness to do so. The dissent resolution would turn the principle around. Those who do not want to donate would have to actively object.