No Coalition with Union Without Social Justice

No Coalition with Union Without Social Justice

A representative of the conservative Seeheimer Circle in the SPD, Dirk Wiese, has set conditions for a potential coalition between the SPD and the Union. The likelihood of a coalition with the Union hinges on content-related questions, Wiese told the “Handelsblatt” (Tuesday’s edition). “If coalition talks do come about, central social democratic concerns must be taken into account” he said.

Wiese referred to the SPD’s campaign in the election, which advocated for a policy that “puts social justice and economic sense in the forefront.” When asked whether the SPD members would ultimately decide on the party’s entry into a coalition with the Union, Wiese stated: “The involvement of the members plays a traditional important role in such questions.”

Wiese also welcomed the SPD’s leadership in proposing Lars Klingbeil as the new faction chief. As party chairman, Klingbeil has shown “that he can lead and hold our party together” Wiese said. “I consider him a good choice and will support his candidacy.