New Rules to Crush Chaos in the Halls of Power!

New Rules to Crush Chaos in the Halls of Power!

Berlin, Germany – The Union party plans to push for a higher fine for disruptions in the German Bundestag, citing the need for a more respectful atmosphere in the newly elected parliament. According to Parliament’s chief of staff, Patrick Schnieder, the Bundestag presidency would impose a fine of 2,000 euros for the first offense and 4,000 euros for subsequent offenses. This is a change from the current fine of 1,000 euros for the first offense and 2,000 euros for subsequent offenses.

The proposal comes as the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party has increased its representation in the Bundestag, with 152 seats compared to 83 in the previous term. The AfD received the most order of the day penalties in the previous term and the Union party is seeking to increase the penalties to maintain a respectful atmosphere in the parliament.

Greens’ parliamentary manager, Irene Mihalic, has called for improvements in the Bundestag’s security measures, citing the presence of AfD members with alleged ties to extremist groups, Russia and China. Mihalic stated that while progress had been made in increasing the parliament’s security, more needed to be done to ensure a safe and respectful environment for all members and staff.