Minister-President Schwesig Defies EU, Demands Neighbors’ Consent on Border Rejections

Minister-President Schwesig Defies EU, Demands Neighbors' Consent on Border Rejections

Minister-President of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Manuela Schwesig of the Social Democratic Party, has ruled out adopting the Union’s stance on border rejections. According to her, it is clear that rejections can only be implemented with the consent of neighboring countries. She stated this in an interview with the news service “Welt”.

Schwesig has long been in favor of border controls and rejections and this is already being practiced on the ground. She emphasized, however, that it is essential to discuss this with the neighboring countries, as seen in the case of Poland. As Germany, she believes that it is crucial to work together with Poland and that this is also important in the European context.

Schwesig recalled that an agreement on this matter had already been reached during the soundings, stating that the discussion had been led and an agreement had been reached that rejections at the borders should be implemented. However, she emphasized that this must be discussed with the neighboring countries, as seen in the case of Poland and she is optimistic that this can be achieved.

In general, Schwesig reiterated her willingness to adopt a more stringent migration policy, stating that as minister-president, she has long been calling for a stricter approach to migration, particularly with regard to criminal offenders. She believes that the public has no acceptance of people coming to Germany, seeking protection, but then requiring the country to protect itself from these individuals. She noted that while the number of such individuals is small, they can still poison the public mood. As a result, she and the SPD have already agreed in the soundings to a harsher approach, with a focus on deporting criminal offenders and introducing a deportation arrest.