MIGRATION MANIA: Shocking Survey Reveals Germans’ Top Voting Priority

MIGRATION MANIA: Shocking Survey Reveals Germans' Top Voting Priority

migration and the economy.

According to the poll, 31 percent of respondents cited the topic of “migration” as the most important, followed closely by “economic development and inflation” at 26 percent, “social security” at 16 percent and “crime and internal security” at 11 percent. For four percent, the issues of “education” and “Ukraine war” were most relevant and four percent said none of the topics were significant in their voting decision, with two percent declining to comment. The survey polled 2,503 individuals in early February.

Men were more likely to be concerned about migration, with 34 percent citing it as a deciding factor, compared to 29 percent of women. Age also played a role, with the issue of migration being a deciding factor for 22 percent of those under 30, but 30 percent of those over 30 citing the economy as the primary concern.

The survey also shows that the Union and AfD are perceived as more competent in addressing migration issues, rather than the parties of the governing coalition, the SPD, Greens and FDP. Twenty-nine percent of respondents believed the AfD was best suited to improve migration, while 25 percent said the same of the Union. Only ten percent thought the SPD would be most effective, six percent the Greens and one percent the FDP.