Majority Now Sees Solar and Wind Power as Vital to Existence

Majority Now Sees Solar and Wind Power as Vital to Existence

A recent survey conducted by the market research firm Appinio on behalf of the energy supplier Elevion Green has found that a majority of Germans consider solar and wind power to be particularly important. The survey, which was reported on by the “Spiegel”, polled 1,000 individuals and found that 61% of respondents named solar energy as crucial for achieving the energy transition, followed by wind power (58%) and hydro power (45%).

When asked which energy sources were decisive for the country’s energy transition, a smaller proportion of respondents cited fossil fuels, with nuclear power receiving the highest support at 33%. Less than one-tenth of participants viewed coal as essential. The survey also revealed gender differences, with 43% of male respondents considering nuclear power important, compared to 23% of female respondents.

The survey’s findings come at a time of intense debate in the Bundestag election campaign, with the energy policies of the major parties differing significantly. The CDU is advocating for the reactivation of shut-down nuclear power plants, a proposal opposed by the SPD and the Greens. The AfD, meanwhile, is calling for a halt to the expansion of wind energy in Germany.

In the survey, 41% of participants were in favor of state subsidies being allocated most heavily to the development of renewable energies, while 18% preferred a focus on energy storage and 18% new technologies such as fusion power.