The Left Party will push for an investigation committee in the German Bundestag on the country’s energy dependencies, as reported by the “Spiegel”. The committee is supposed to investigate entanglements of German politicians with gas or uranium suppliers from Russia, Azerbaijan, or the US, as well as false dependencies that led to high profits in the energy industry and high prices for citizens, the party claims.
The Left Party is also demanding the questioning of prominent German politicians, such as former Chancellor Gerhard Schröder (SPD), former Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU), Mecklenburg-Vorpommern’s Minister of State Manuela Schwesig (SPD), and former Economy Minister Peter Altmaier (CDU).
Party leader Jan van Aken will demand further concrete topics for investigation on Monday in Berlin. The committee is supposed to investigate, among other things, how to prevent Germany from becoming dependent on “expensive, dirty fracking gas from the US in the future”. Additionally, it must be clarified why the Russian oil company Rosneft’s shares in Germany, their refineries, and pipelines were not expropriated, but only placed under a trust.
The committee must also clarify the role of the top executives of BASF and RWE, as well as why the federal government did not enforce an export or import ban on uranium from Russia.