German actress and director Karoline Herfurth believes the current state of feminism is under threat. “I feel like patriarchy is pushing back” she told the Rhineland Post. “We are in a backlash, a reversal of progress.”
Despite this, Herfurth looks to the future with optimism. “When structures are broken, habits and the system that shapes us are put into question, it sparks resistance. The stronger the development and progress, the stronger the resistance. In my opinion, the process of moving forward cannot be halted.”
Herfurth is a fan of Doris Dörrie’s film “Mad or Not Mad”. “I don’t know how many times I’ve seen this film” she said. She also credits Katja von Garnier’s “Bandits” with shaping the person she is today. “Bandits totally blew me away when I was young. It made it normal for me that a woman can be a director and show women on the big screen. I suddenly felt addressed and integrated. You can sometimes only imagine things after seeing them” the 40-year-old said.