Youth Union Urges Tougher Measures in SPD’s Election Program on Housing.
“The housing crisis is the social crisis of our young generation” said Juso Chief Philipp Türmer to the “Spiegel”. “We must make it clear that students and trainees can get a shared apartment in every German city for no more than 400 euros a month.”
The youth organization had decided on the “WG guarantee” at its federal congress at the end of November. Now, the Jusos are demanding that it also be included in the SPD’s election program. The social democrats will officially crown Olaf Scholz as their chancellor candidate and decide on their program at their party convention on January 11.
“Housing is a poverty trap” said Türmer. According to a two-page concept reported by the “Spiegel”, the party is calling for a massive expansion of student and trainee homes and the enforcement of the upper limit through an online platform. If the net cold rent exceeds the rent brake, the platform should secure a reduction. If the rent is still more than 400 euros even after the adjustment, the young tenants should receive a state subsidy.