A Survivor of the Berlin Breitscheidplatz Attack Calls for Similar Classification of the Magdeburg Incident
Astrid Passin, the spokesperson for the victims of the Berlin Breitscheidplatz attack, has called for the Magdeburg incident to be classified as a terrorist attack. She made this demand in an interview with the “Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland”, stating, “I don’t know what in the attack wasn’t politically motivated.” Passin emphasized that this classification is crucial for the victims and their families, as it would impact the level of compensation they receive.
For the victims of the Breitscheidplatz attack, the compensation was initially set at 10,000 euros for those directly affected and 5,000 euros for those indirectly affected. However, these amounts were later increased to 30,000 euros and 15,000 euros, respectively. Passin also pointed out that the security authorities had “extremely many hints” about the Breitscheidplatz attacker, Anis Amri, but failed to take him out of commission. “That’s all happening again now” she said, seemingly alluding to the similarities between the two incidents.