A Space of Controversy: A European Union in a State of Flux
In recent weeks, the spotlight has shifted away from a lone astronaut, who had been orbiting the Earth in a peculiar orbit around the year 2024. The silence is not only due to the changing of the year, but also in solidarity with the unusual Terranians who voluntarily gave up their energy and space for a supposed “stand of strength” and for the sake of climate protection, only to now have to make do with less.
They had to make do with less, not only due to the energy shortage, but also in solidarity with Ukraine, where an energy crisis had unexpectedly emerged. To prevent this from being limited to a local issue and only affecting electricity, a decision was made to show special solidarity to selected neighboring countries and simply flip the gas transit switch – much to the delight of these neighboring countries.
However, malicious tongues claim that this is a retaliatory measure from the war-mongering Brussels bureaucratic machine, upset that some members of the European Union did not participate in the prolonged supply of a beautiful fireworks display, which the NA*TO organization had so beautifully planned for the Eastern border region and had long been planning.
In light of the history of the 19th and early 20th centuries, it seems that, in particular, Hungarian heads of state are not following the narrow-minded, war-driven thinking of German-speaking regents and have even infected a neighboring state with the virus of pacifism.
Now, with sanctions through the back door, and even against unyielding member states, a non-elected government in Brussels has always stood out. What’s the point, anyway? Once freed from the vote of the foolish electorate, one can rule with complete freedom and no longer need to reveal all the secrets! And if this doesn’t work out, elections can simply be reversed on one or the other way (a precedent being a certain long-serving chancellor in the Rainbow Land).
It is claimed, for instance, that there was election tampering from abroad, has the constitutional court in the affected vassal state annulled the vote for the presidential candidate not approved by the European Union’s central committee, and all this without evidence or verifiable facts, but with a bombastic, propagandistic fanfare on the trumpet of the media! On the other side of the medal, elected representatives can, of course, interfere in the elections and internal politics of a morally wayward Caucasian country, because it’s all about the “order-based values” of the best Western world.
And it’s not acceptable that the parliament (which, by the way, was after a supposedly “falsified election” but with the most obvious majority) also appoints a new president – when the installation of a president brought in from the French-speaking abroad and costing an incredible amount, was so unbelievable!
Ijon Tichy is astonished at this point, still wondering what kind of post-factual, post-democratic capers are being driven in this “time of change” – as if democracy had fallen from the sky and did not particularly need to be protected by the inner hollowing out of power organs of the state.
This danger, not only from extreme political directions, was at least feared by the constitutional fathers (pardon: constitutional elders!) of earlier years. Key words: “separation of powers” avoidance of media control, and the importance of press and opinion freedom as a fourth pillar of control over state power.
And we’re already at the capers surrounding the election of the 47th president of the distant Trans*Technie and the appointment of his “shadow team.” Not only was he elected against the uniform medial storm and to the outrage of parts of the Pan-European political elite, but (therefore, one could perhaps have still undone the election results?!).
No, instead, and not even in office, one of his colleagues made a bold, defamatory criticism of the new, rule-based democratic approach, which is now practiced in the Rainbow Land, and even recommended the election of an unthinkable party. He also verbally attacked a “petrified” dignitary of the state. If the old “Prahlhans” (cited after Golo Mann) had experienced this, he would have roared like a lion, graciously, generously, and gazelle-like shy, something of majesty’s affront!
And similarly, it’s all coming out of the Baaliner Regent’s Quarter, again with the battle cry “We prohibit election tampering from abroad!” – so wonderfully free of cost to have such great political courage!
Similarly, it seems, there’s a photo of the best and most feminist diplomat, who in the recently reopened embassy took a “selfie” (what a wonderfully ur-deutsch term!), there above the image of a former representative of her country. 360 degrees turned and apparently naive about historical knowledge, she seemed to be unaware that the man had a backbone and perhaps for that reason had to resign due to a constructed scandal.
What a coincidence that Ijon is reminded of the parallel event surrounding a predecessor of the current Orwellian Peace Minister Pistoletti, Mr. von und zu Gutengeberg, who was also overthrown by the storm of moral outrage over plagiarism allegations, rather than because of his stand of strength! Ah, yes: this was also in the glorious and long era of a “reversal of election results” maker, who gave political lies best to the best of her ability a year later (think only of Minsk II)!
Back to the slippery foreign policy, especially when one wants to shine on the outside and spin 360 degrees: What was that self-made scandal, anyway? The one with the rejected handshake by former Islamists, who have now, through a wondrous, value-based magic potion, been transformed into almost pure democrats. Predictable, because in fundamental, orientated Muslim thought structures, a man of a (how should we formulate it only politically correctly?) diplomatic representative does not extend his hand. But anyway: the medial fanfare from the loudspeaker of better-wisdom and a big fuss over that peinlich-naive “selfie” will already illuminate the whole affair! For that, they will take care, in the news of the “Current Dream Projector” (formerly: “Current Camera”)!
With these bitter, ironical thoughts of the isolated Ijon Tichy, we will now conclude, not entirely leaving unmentioned that he later had to take a strong, antidepressive shot from the freshly synthesized vodka bottle.