Heino’s Farewell: The 86-Year-Old Schlager Star’s Shocking Retirement Announcement!

Heino's Farewell: The 86-Year-Old Schlager Star's Shocking Retirement Announcement!

At 86, Schlager star Heino shows no signs of slowing down, let alone thinking about retirement. “I have a contract until I’m 104, because Johannes Heesters was still on stage at 104” the singer told the Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung (Friday edition). He wants to follow in his footsteps.

Although Heino publicly revealed last year that he had transferred his villa in Kitzbühel to his manager Helmut Werner, who will also inherit his estate, the details of his will are still unclear.

“I haven’t really done much preparation. I don’t think about it because it’s still far away” said Heino, whose real name is Heinz Georg Kramm. At an advanced age, Heino believes he is still in good voice and intends to “bring joy to people” by giving concerts.

However, Heino’s hearing is not what it used to be. He has worn hearing aids on both sides for five years, but this has not posed a problem for the singer: “It doesn’t bother me at all. I can hear what I want to and I don’t hear what I don’t want to.