Has the German Bundestag Reached a New Low?

Has the German Bundestag Reached a New Low?

German Bundestag President, Bärbel Bas of the SPD, has criticized the frequent absence of Sahra Wagenknecht, leader of the Bündnis Solidarische Basis (BSW), from parliamentary sessions. According to Bas, the BSW group is often not present during voting, as stated in an interview with the news portal Watson on Friday.

Bas specifically criticized Wagenknecht, who frequently appears in TV debates, for not staying until the end of parliamentary sessions after actively participating in debates. “Talk show appearances in and of themselves are not to be criticized. However, if one is present in the plenum, actively participates in the debate, but then does not stay until the voting, that shows, in my opinion, a strange understanding of one’s own work as a member of parliament” Bas said.

Bas also lamented the negative development of the parliamentary culture, stating that the tone has become harsher, with more personal attacks and insults being used instead of in-depth, content-based debates. She cited examples, including the vandalism at her electoral office in Duisburg and mentioned that many, often young, colleagues have stopped working as members of parliament due to the attacks, citing the need to protect their families.

Bas herself has experienced massive online harassment, including comments about her appearance, clothing and even sexual violence. “How I look, what I’m wearing, how my hair is styled, rape fantasies. It’s particularly bad for women” she said, explaining that she intends to report these incidents, even if it takes a lot of time and energy and often results in no consequences. “As a politician, I am not a free target.