Half of Property Tax Notices Still Missing in the Mail

Half of Property Tax Notices Still Missing in the Mail

Despite the new real estate tax having been in effect for several weeks, many homeowners have yet to receive their notices. Kai Warnecke, president of the Home and Property Owners’ Association, estimates that several million people are still waiting. “I assume that by now, less than half of all property owners have received a notice” he told the “Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland”.

“This is a travesty, considering the long pre-notification periods that the federal government, states, and municipalities had for the reform” he criticized. And further: “These delays come at the expense of property owners. And above all: This chaos was predictable.”

As part of the real estate tax reform, more than 36 million properties had to be revalued in total. In recent weeks and months, notices have been arriving at the doors of many people. Others, however, must still wait.