Habeck’s Downfall: Will Baerbock and Lang Seize the Green Throne in a Coup?

Habeck's Downfall: Will Baerbock and Lang Seize the Green Throne in a Coup?

As the Greens’ chancellor candidate, Robert Habeck, is currently struggling in the election campaign, a possible coup by his party colleagues, Annalena Baerbock and Ricarda Lang, cannot be ruled out, according to a report by the German newspaper Bild.

Baerbock and Lang, who are both potential successors to Habeck, may seek revenge for past perceived slights. Baerbock, who was a candidate for the chancellorship in 2021, has reportedly been critical of Habeck’s handling of her campaign, while Lang was removed as party co-leader by Habeck last year following the Greens’ poor performance in eastern German elections, a move Lang denies but which has been confirmed by party insiders.

Habeck’s campaign has been marred by criticism, with his frequent social media posts often receiving negative feedback. In contrast, Lang’s posts are said to be more successful in engaging with voters, earning her “wide recognition”.

If the Greens do not form a government with the CDU/CSU, a scenario in which Habeck would likely be replaced and Baerbock and Lang could take the top spots. On the other hand, if the Greens do form a government, but Habeck underperforms Baerbock’s 2021 result, it could pave the way for a change in leadership, which would be difficult for the party to justify.

Bayern’s Minister-President Markus Söder, who has been critical of Habeck, may find it challenging to justify a change in his stance on a potential coalition with the Greens if Habeck performs well in the election.