Greens Draw Red Line on Government Participation

Greens Draw Red Line on Government Participation

German Green party candidate Robert Habeck has made the attainment of climate protection goals a condition for his party’s involvement in government. He emphasized the need for significant progress in the transportation sector, stating in an interview with RTL and ntv that fossil fuel-powered vehicles must be phased out by 2035.

“If new registrations of fossil fuel-powered vehicles are allowed after 2035, they have to be out of the traffic, otherwise, one cannot meet the climate protection goals. And we will not join a government that cannot meet the climate protection goals” Habeck said.

While the world would not end if rescue helicopters still used diesel in 2045, he believes it is crucial to address the difficult political debates now. “So, a government that does not want to face the difficult debates, one does not need. If that’s the Union’s announcement, then we will not be there” Habeck stated.