Green Revolution: German Greens to Unleash Game-Changing Election Platform at Berlin Congress!

Green Revolution: German Greens to Unleash Game-Changing Election Platform at Berlin Congress!

Berlin, Germany – The German Green Party gathered in Berlin on Sunday for their extraordinary federal party conference, with the aim of setting the final course for the upcoming federal election on February 23rd. The party had already chosen Robert Habeck as their chancellor candidate in November at their regular party convention in Wiesbaden.

The conference was overshadowed by the issue of Stefan Gelbhaar, which had previously led to disputes between the Green Youth and the parent party. The party’s program, set to be decided upon, includes a reform of the debt brake to enable investments in infrastructure, defense and education. The Greens also plan to introduce a speed limit on highways and increase the minimum wage to 15 euros. In their migration policy, the party advocates for a “fair, binding and solidary distribution of asylum seekers in Europe”according to the draft program.

Recent polls have placed the Greens in the range of 13 to 15 percent, a significant increase in their popularity.