The Greens want to set up an investment fund as a coalition partner in a future federal government and thereby double the current annual public investments of 75 billion euros. This was stated by the Greens’ federal chairman Felix Banaszak to the “Focus”.
“Germany has been split by Union and SPD for years and has been driven to waste, and everyone can see the deficits” he explained. “It’s raining in schools through the roofs, children don’t dare to go to the toilet. Last year, over 80 percent of all companies said they still use faxes” Banaszak said. “We have a massive investment backlog in Germany, in public and private investments.”
Asked where the 75 billion euros would be invested specifically, Banaszak replied that it would be about investments in education and climate protection, for example in the rail network or climate-friendly heating in municipalities. The focus should be on “the latest technologies”.
Banaszak criticizes the economic plans of SPD and Union in sharp words. While the Scholz party promises a one-time 100 billion euros, CDU and CSU do not name a sum and instead present investment billions without a counter-financing. “Because some are still ideologically stuck to the debt brake in the party leadership before the election, even CDU state premiers want to reform it. That’s maximum un-serious” Banaszak said.