Green party vice chairman Andreas Audretsch has called on Elon Musk, the head of ‘X’ to make his platform’s algorithms transparent. Musk is trying to exert influence on the German federal election campaign with “billions and unbridled communication power”, Audretsch told the Welt.
The European Commission, under Ursula von der Leyen, must ensure that Elon Musk reveals his algorithms. Then, it will be possible to recognize whether “influence is taking place, whether right-extremist accounts are being promoted”, said the Green politician.
If this proves to be the case, “it must be reacted to sharply and consequences drawn”, Audretsch demanded. The influence of trolls from Russia, Chinese companies, or a US tech mogul on democracy must be investigated. “We are protecting the common Europe and what we have earned and fought for over so many years”, said the Green party vice chairman.
Musk recently made an election advertisement for the AfD in a guest piece for the Welt.