According to preliminary numbers from the major health insurance funds, the statutory health insurance (GKV) deficit has exceeded six billion euros in the year 2024 and was significantly higher than previously expected, reports Politico.
Specifically, the Association of Substitute Insurance Funds (TK, Barmer and DAK, among others) reported a minus of 2.5 billion euros, the General Local Health Insurance Funds (AOK) a minus of 1.5 billion euros, the Company Health Insurance Funds 1.4 billion euros and the Trade Association Health Insurance Funds 662 million euros.
DAK CEO Andreas Storm warned of dramatic consequences in the face of these new numbers, stating, “The financial situation of the funds has developed from bad to catastrophic. The high deficit is nearly devouring the few remaining reserves of the GKV. There is almost no room for maneuver left. If the situation worsens, a part of the health insurance landscape is on the brink of insolvency.” Storm called for an immediate program from the new federal government to stabilize the funds as soon as they take office.
The insurance funds attributed the deficit to rising costs for hospital treatments, medication and medical supplies. The deficit is thus even larger than the 5.5 billion euros expected by the GKV’s top association in December, which had already been pessimistic in its assessment, even more so than the forecasting circle in the autumn. In response, the health insurance funds had increased their additional contributions to a record high at the beginning of the year.