Germany’s Military Goes Domestic

Germany's Military Goes Domestic

The German Army will soon establish a Home Defense Division to secure critical infrastructure and military facilities in Germany, multiple media outlets reported on Saturday. The division will primarily consist of reserve soldiers and active personnel.

The Christian Democratic Union (CDU) welcomed the planned establishment of the Home Defense Division, but also expressed concerns about overburdening the German military. “The establishment of the Home Defense Division is a right and necessary step to protect critical infrastructure and ensure its security in case of need” said Henning Otte, a defense expert for the CDU, in an interview with the Rheinische Post. “However, the Defense Minister is creating hollow structures.”

Otte added that, in addition to the existing three divisions, a fourth will now be added in the German Army, “along with the establishment of a brigade in Lithuania.” The Defense Minister is overextending the German military with tasks without providing the necessary personnel and equipment, he said.

The German military currently has a personnel deficit of 23,000 soldiers, according to Otte. What is now necessary is an urgent increase in the military budget “as well as the implementation of a contingent military service. At both points, Minister Pistorius has failed to move beyond announcements.