The CDU reaffirms its commitment to the debt brake in the context of the planned “Agenda 2030”. “The debt brake ensures that today’s debts do not lead to tomorrow’s tax increases, and Germany remains a stability anchor in the Eurozone” the draft resolution for the CDU federal executive board meeting in Hamburg, reported by the Rheinische Post, states.
At the same time, the Union says: “In the context of a thorough review of expenses, all expenditures, particularly the enormous subsidies that increased significantly during the Grand Coalition years, will be put under scrutiny.” The plan is to switch to a “goal- and effect-oriented budget management” in order to “ensure that the federal government is more responsible and entrepreneurial in managing its limited financial resources.”
Furthermore, the new basic security system is expected to “create incentives for taking up work” and relieve the federal budget on both expenditure and revenue sides in billions of euros. “Relief also comes with a limitation of migration and our efficiency measures in the administration” the paper states. “Above all, the Agenda 2030 will lead to more growth and thus open up new perspectives for the federal budget.