In the migration debate, Development Minister Svenja Schulze (SPD) has rejected the FDP’s demand to link aid for poorer countries to the return of rejected asylum seekers, deeming it counterproductive. “We expect our partner countries to take back stateless citizens who are required to leave our country. But whoever thinks that one can achieve more cooperation by threatening to cancel it has no understanding of international politics” Schulze told the “Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland” (Tuesday editions).
“The practical experience shows that repatriations are more successful when one works together respectfully and does not threaten each other with sanctions” the SPD politician cautioned.
Schulze warned of negative consequences of the hardening demanded by FDP leader Christian Lindner. “If one were to implement Lindner’s proposal, one would likely end up not having any returnees, but only more flight causes” she argued. “Because many of our projects are precisely aimed at enabling people to stay in their homeland” the minister said.