The German Ministry of Defence has announced its decision to discontinue its Twitter/X presence. As of January 15, the ministry will no longer actively post on the platform and will instead allow the channel to remain dormant for the foreseeable future. This decision also applies to the Twitter/X accounts of the Inspector General, Inspectors, and Commanders, as well as the central “X” channel of the German Armed Forces.
The primary reason for this decision is the increasing difficulty in engaging in a factual exchange of arguments on the platform. The ministry has decided to shift its online communication strategy and will now use a WhatsApp channel to inform the public about relevant dates, ministerial decisions, and news from the ministry.
The existing Instagram and YouTube channels, as well as other social media platforms, will continue to be used. The ministry, however, reserves the right to react on Twitter/X in exceptional cases, such as the presence of disinformation campaigns.