Germany to Expand Influence in NATO, Seeks to Fill High-Ranking Positions with Germans
According to a report by the Business Insider, the German government is pushing for a greater German presence in NATO’s high-ranking positions, such as command and staff roles, during negotiations within the Atlantic alliance. The report states that Germany is seeking to fill around 30 high-ranking positions, known as “golden stars” with Germans, up from the current 22.
The number of golden stars is not directly equivalent to the number of German generals, as the stars refer to the rank insignia worn by generals, with the lowest rank being a one-star brigadier general and the highest a four-star general. Theoretically, Germany could fill 30 positions with brigadier generals, seven four-star generals, two one-star generals, or a mix of ranks.
The exact distribution of the positions will depend on the specific roles Germany is assigned, which is still being negotiated internally within NATO. A spokesperson for the German Defense Ministry confirmed that Germany has indeed been allocated 30 golden stars, up from 21.5 and that the allocation of specific positions to individual nations is still to come. The number of positions reflects Germany’s increased responsibility within NATO and the scope of its financial and personnel contribution to the alliance, a process that is not yet complete.