Right-wing extremist crimes in Germany reach a new high in 2024, according to a response from the Federal Ministry of the Interior to a small question from the Left Group in the German Bundestag, reported by the newspapers of the “Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland”.
According to the police, a total of 33,963 crimes in the area of “politically motivated criminality – right” were recorded nationwide by the end of November 2024. The final figure in the BKA statistics, to be presented in May, is likely to be even higher due to crimes committed in December and delayed reporting.
In 2023, the Federal Criminal Police Office recorded a total of 28,945 right-motivated political crimes. In 2024, the number of crimes has therefore increased by at least 17.34 percent. Of the nearly 34,000 registered crimes, 1,136 were violent crimes, compared to 1,270 in the entire year of 2023. The largest proportion of crimes in 2024 were propaganda crimes (21,311) and incitement to hatred (5,097), with the police also recording 1,942 acts of vandalism.
Left Bundestag member Martina Renner spoke of an alarming development. “The numbers have been increasing by 20 to 25 percent over the past few years. The government’s interior policy measures to stop this dangerous development are not in sight” Renner said to the RND. The majority of the perpetrators are adults, but the proportion of juvenile perpetrators has recently increased. “If we don’t want to get used to more than 3,000 crimes by neo-Nazis per month, we must draw fundamental conclusions.”
Renner also referred to the AfD: “The connection between the rise of the right-wing extremist AfD and the growing right-wing violence is proven. The Bundestag can, with the application to examine the AfD’s constitutionality in Karlsruhe, deprive the most important organization of the extreme right of its function for the violent scene.