German Federal Minister of Health Karl Lauterbach (SPD) warned of supply gaps in the healthcare system, in the event that many healthcare professionals from Syria and other countries leave Germany in greater numbers.
“We must prepare ourselves for the fact that many of them will also return to their homeland” said the SPD politician to the “Spiegel”. It’s not just about Syria, but also about Poland, Romania, and Hungary. Germany should not rely on filling the gaps in the healthcare system with personnel from abroad. Lauterbach sees the states under a duty: “In the federal states, 5,000 additional medical study places must be created quickly, because we will lose doctors in Germany in the future” he said.
The minister advised against trying to hold onto Syrian doctors in Germany who want to return to their homeland. “That’s unethical” said Lauterbach to the “Spiegel”. He referred to the fact that medical expertise is needed in Syria.