As temperatures in Germany have been lower in recent times, the Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) reports that the current gas demand is higher. According to a BNetzA spokesperson, quoted by the Funke Media Group, the gas storage levels are currently within the range of those seen in 2018 and 2021. Data from Gas Infrastructure Europe (GIE) shows that the storage facilities are currently being depleted at a rate not seen in years, with German gas storage levels decreasing by around 28% since the start of the heating season on October 1. A year ago, the storage levels had decreased by only around 16% in the same period. According to GIE data, the German gas storage levels are currently filled to around 68%. The Federal Network Agency describes the gas supply in Germany as “stable”, stating that the supply security is guaranteed, and the risk of a gas supply shortage in the short term is considered low. However, a prudent gas consumption remains important.