Freelance Crisis: Germany’s 211,000 Missing Masters of the Trade

Freelance Crisis: Germany's 211,000 Missing Masters of the Trade

currently, around 211,000 skilled workers and apprentices are missing in doctor’s offices, law firms, architecture offices, or pharmacies. This is shown by a survey of the Federal Association of Free Professions (BFB), which is available to the “Rheinische Post” (Wednesday edition).

According to the survey, around 129,000 skilled workers, 38,000 employed professionals and 44,000 apprentices are missing. “Overall, a significant gap of around 211,000 people is emerging” said BFB President Stephan Hofmeister. As a result, Germany is losing a value creation of 16 billion euros per year, he warned. This corresponds to almost three percent of the turnover the free professions would have generated in 2024.

The reasons for the staffing problems are multifaceted, said Hofmeister. 81 percent of the respondents named a lack of suitable applicants as the main cause of the skilled worker shortage. “55 percent see a changed work and life attitude of the applicants as a decisive factor” said the BFB chief. 51 percent of the applicants had stated too high salary expectations. In nearly 40 percent of the applicants, the specific qualifications did not match the respective job. A third of the applicants, however, were simply not qualified enough – as skilled workers or as trainee candidates.